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Applications to IBYC are accepted during April of each calendar year.
Return to this page between 1 and 30 April to find the link to the application

IBYC is a boating-based club with 200+ member-owned boat moorings and a house restaurant. The club provides daily launch service to member moorings in the IBYC designated area from mid-May through Labor Day season, and at a slightly reduced frequency through the rest of September and part of October. The club does have a small number of club-owned moorings which are available to transients,with full club privileges, through the Dockwa mobile app,for a small fee.

The restaurant currently serves dinner Wednesday through Sunday nights to members and their guests during the season (May to October). Cocktails and appetizers are also available on our screened porch during regular restaurant hours.

All new members to IBYC have either a boat mooring at the club or are on the waiting list for a mooring. The length of time on the waiting list varies. Currently the wait for membership is approximately sixteen years as a Social-Future Boating (SFB) member and another three-four years for a mooring. SFB members are welcome to use the dining room and attend social events, but do not have access to the waterfront, and may not vote nor hold office on the Executive Board.

Applicants to IBYC pay a non-refundable application fee of $500, which is mailed to PO Box 21, Ipswich, MA. 01938, and must maintain their Town of Ipswich application for a town mooring permit in the IBYC mooring area. Once their application is approved by the club’s Executive Committee, the applicants are added to the waitlist for admission to membership. The waitlist is ordered based on the application approval date.

Upon admission to Future Boater membership applicants pay a one-time initiation fee (currently $3,004) and the annual dues for a Future Boater membership (currently $877), and are automatically placed on the Boating membership waitlist, with seniority on this waitlist based on the date of admission to Future Boater membership. Future Boating members must continue to maintain their place on the Town of Ipswich mooring waitlist for the IBYC mooring area, completing the town’s annual mooring waitlist renewal requirements.

When admitted to Boating membership, members pay the remainder of the Boating membership initiation fee (currently $6,009) and Boating dues (currently $2,632), with credit given for the year’s Future Boater dues already paid). They must also procure their own mooring gear which meets the town requirements, and work with the IBYC Mooring Committee to identify the location of their mooring. Boating members have the option to use one of the local providers for the installation and servicing of their mooring. Boating members are also eligible to apply to join the waiting list for the limited number of second moorings (boats under 18’), in-water dinghy docking and dinghy rack storage. All of these options involve additional annual fees.
                                                                    *** NOTE***
Applications to IBYC are accepted during the month of April each calendar year.

Legacy and Associate applicants are accepted year round and should contact

For more information, please email the membership chairperson at